Monday, August 20, 2012

We've Been Busy

Over the last few Saturdays, we had the privledge of putting to work two young straping McDowell boys. These hard chargers dived into an area of ground full of overgrown growth that had a root system that could be liken to the human body and all its highways of veins and arteries. Thankfully, they made the job look extremely easy.

This is a picture of the area after they were finished. The only thing left for Steve and I to do was to trim the butterfly bushes and prune the roots the boys couldn't pull up.

This past Saturday, the boys came back and helped Steve lay a yard of dirt, plant some shrubbery and topped it off with 2 more yards of mulch. The following pictures show the finished look. It was a lot of hard work, but the time and energy spent was worth it!

Now all we need to do is enjoy the yard, listen to the birdies and do some grilling on the barbie before fall sets in.

Thank you young men for all of your hard work. You've made this lady very happy!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

You Gotta Get One of These

Over the last three years I have wanted to purchase a Sonicare Toothbrush. And every time I was sure to go and purchase one, either Steve would talk me out of it, or I would decided it wasn't worth the money. Well, I am here to tell you it is worth the money! I have never felt such clean gums and teeth and the feeling of cleanliness last all day long. This particular Sonicare is sold at the dentists office. We even scored a $15 rebate. If you've been debating on getting one of these awesome toothbrushes...don't wait...just do it! You will be happy you did!