Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's raining, it's pouring and I'm not snoring...yet that is

Here it is the last day of August and what does it bring in? Rain and lots of it : very much a sign that summer is on its way out and fall is coming.

Don't get me wrong, I love fall and all the colors it brings, I just don't like the rain, overcast and cloudy skies and the lack of daylight that comes with it. My body seems to instantly begin its "hibernation" mode which will only get worse as winter comes on.

The month of August flew by quickly like every other month, it seems. I am making progress in my job...I actually like to get up and go to work now, since I have passed the "learning curve". I still have lots to pick up on, but I can get through the basic daily tasks without to much trouble. I just Praise God for all those who have been praying for me, your prayers are working! And for Kali who graciously answered all my "S.O.S. emails". Thank you!

This month was especially surprising as we were able to see the Waldron gal's and the Majors over the last two weekends and some longtime friend. The Majors and the Waldron's (plus their two gals) moved over the mountains to start a church back in July. God has been blessing them with visitors and ministry opportunities, PTL! It was so good to see them!

The bigger surprise was when I got a call from Judy who has known me since my preteen years. Her and her husband Chuck took their 5th wheel and toured Canada, Alaska and parts of the West. On their way back from Alaska they came through our neck of the woods. It was so great to see them. We were able to spend two evenings together over dinner and catch up on all the years we have been separated. It truly was an amazing time.

My husband had his 46th Birthday this month and things are going well for him. He is settling down in his new job and is loving it! He has been in physical therapy for his arm now for a couple of weeks, and that in and of itself has been a great help in the recovery process. I'll have to admit, it is kind of gross to see his bicep laying over on its side. He thinks it is cool and likes to show me it and the big indention where his muscle use to be attached. Boys, ya just gotta love 'em. :)

Well that pretty much covers my August. Looking forward to September and all that it has to bring.