Sunday, February 22, 2009

Spring is Coming...Really it is Coming

There are signs all around me that tell me Spring is on its way! Today, we are experiencing 63 degrees of warm sunshine. This past week I was also very surprised when I found the tulips that I had planted last fall pushing there way up through the ground. Tulips are one of my most favorite flowers. I can't wait to see them bloom!

Another sign Spring is coming are the hummers. The hummingbird usually start to migrate to this area in March, but I have already had some visitors. I have had to fill their feeder a couple of times because the go-go juice just keeps disappearing. Yeah!
Finally, one other sign that Spring is arriving is the Bald Eagle. Typically, we may see one or two during the winter time. Today, Steve and I spotted an eagle, in a tree that is often use as a kind of "lookout" tower. The Eagles perch themselves up there so they can get a good view of the ocean. As Steve was taking the eagles picture, he lifted off and flew right over our heads. Looks like it could be dinnertime.
Spring is coming...really it is coming because the signs are here. I am looking forward to warmer weather, bluer skies, and brighter colors. Bring it on!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Here it is Jersey Mama

Jersey Mama thought it would be cute for me to post this picture of Steve sitting on my lap from the 2007 Sweetheart Banquet.

This picture was also taken by Carolyn. The 2007 Sweetheart Banquet was the first time the SPG's had hosted such an event. They did a great job!

Sweetheart Banquet 2009

Steve and I had a most wonderful time at the 2009 Sweetheart Banquet that was put on by our Singles Pleasing God (SPG's) ministry. Many Kudos to all!

There was valet parking, a photography studio and a dining room that was lit by soft lights and candles. The photographer on duty for that night was Carolyn and she took the picture of Steve and I below. (Note:I got to sit on Steve's lap this year because two years ago he sat on mine. Fair play is a must.)

After we had our pictures taken we were then lead to the dining facility where we were shown to our table. Our on site photographer took this community shot as well.

The evening was perfect. Imagine sitting in a room, with low lighting, soft godly piano music playing in the background, (by our most talented pianist), a Power Point presentation displaying wedding pictures of the couples, and a cake that was beautifully made; all the while being attentively waited on through out the evening.

After the meal we were engaged in the SPG's Bible Jeopardy game; which became quite entertaining. Then, to finish off the evening, all the couples in the room stood and renewed their vows to one another; which fit perfectly with the evenings theme, "Continuing the Commitment".

The SPG's were very gracious and considerate in everything: their time, their energy and their labour. They really made our Valentine's Day special! I posted a slide show of the event. (I want to thank Carolyn for sharing some of her pictures with me so I could complete my photo album. Thanks Carolyn!)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Balloons Anyone? Now Available at Candy Bouquet

Yes sir'ree Bob, I am now selling balloons at the Candy Bouquet. I have been wanting to sell balloons for a couple of years now, but there was a store in town that was known for their balloons and party items and I didn't want to compete with them. The Discount Party Store has been in business for twenty years and is closing their doors. I am sad they are closing because they have always been my "go to store" when I needed an embellishment for my bouquets. Now I have to look at driving 40 minutes away to the nearest party store. Yuk.

On the flip side, I was able to talk with the owner back in January to see if she would be willing to tell her customers that I would be selling balloons. The owner has been so gracious. She was not only willing to tell others, but she let me come into her store and pick out balloons I would be interested in and then gave me a discount. I thank the Lord for his provision in this situation.

So, are you wondering about the picture? This is my first combination order: Bouquet with Balloons! Doesn't the Happy Birthday Bouquet look complete with those colorful balloons? I AM SO EXCITED!! God truly has opened another door to help drive business to my store. I really have this feeling that the gates may open up here real soon. Keep praying!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Victorious Women

My secret prayer sister (SPS) a couple months ago gave me this book, "Victorious Women", by Virginia Ruth Eugate, as a gift. The gift was very appropriate at the time because I had been desiring to read more books; especially books that would benefit me in my Christian walk. "Victorious Women" is written by a lady who kindly counsels women on how to be a "Biblical Wife".

Now, I know some might be thinking, "Sherri, you've been married for quite a long time. How can this book help you?" When I opened the cover to this book I had no idea how much the author was going to be able to hone in on issues that I have personally been struggling with for over two decades. Areas like: Trusting in God, A Woman's Words: Uplifting or Undermining, Victory Over Financial Worries, A Time to Keep Silent, A Time to Speak, and quite frankly, a few other areas. Isn't God's timing perfect?

God was there in the midst of those pages, helping me recognize some areas in my life that needed some tweaking. As I continued to read through the book, I was able to begin making conscious changes right then and there. The most amazing part is that I was able to see a difference immediately in how I responded to my husband. PTL!

"Victorious Women" is a book I would encourage all women to read, especially if they have a sincere desire to be the wife God would have them to be.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Celebrating 26 years of Marriage

On February 26th Steve and I will be celebrating our 26th Wedding Anniversary. We have had many ups and downs, but the Lord has been good and has seen fit to keep us together.

Many years ago, when we first got married, the Lord was not in the center of our relationship. As we grew in the Lord our marriage became stronger and stronger. The more we focused and set our eyes on God, the closer we drew to the Lord and to one another.

Marriage is not easy and if anybody tells you it is...they are not telling the truth. Some folks may even say that marriage is a 50/50 relationship, but again.....they are not telling the truth. Marriage takes work, and a lot of it! Marriage is a 100+/100+ relationship that requires each party to give and take, with more giving, than taking required.

The key to a happy marriage is to have a marriage that is Christ-centered. First, set your eyes on the Lord, secondly, strive to take your eyes off yourself and finally, work towards making the other person happy. If you can do these three things you will have a solid, strong and happy marriage.

Psalm 37:4 "Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."