Sunday, February 22, 2009

Spring is Coming...Really it is Coming

There are signs all around me that tell me Spring is on its way! Today, we are experiencing 63 degrees of warm sunshine. This past week I was also very surprised when I found the tulips that I had planted last fall pushing there way up through the ground. Tulips are one of my most favorite flowers. I can't wait to see them bloom!

Another sign Spring is coming are the hummers. The hummingbird usually start to migrate to this area in March, but I have already had some visitors. I have had to fill their feeder a couple of times because the go-go juice just keeps disappearing. Yeah!
Finally, one other sign that Spring is arriving is the Bald Eagle. Typically, we may see one or two during the winter time. Today, Steve and I spotted an eagle, in a tree that is often use as a kind of "lookout" tower. The Eagles perch themselves up there so they can get a good view of the ocean. As Steve was taking the eagles picture, he lifted off and flew right over our heads. Looks like it could be dinnertime.
Spring is coming...really it is coming because the signs are here. I am looking forward to warmer weather, bluer skies, and brighter colors. Bring it on!!


Teri said...

What a great picture of the eagle. I am so ready for spring too; however, we just received 4 inches of snow over the weekend. I too look forward to the warmer weather, bluer skies and the bright colors. Most of all I am looking forward to watching nature waking up from a long winter nap! There is nothing more beautiful than to watch the blooms of flowers and trees and too see the creatures come around to visit again.

Jackie said...

I so want spring, too! The PA weather seems to change on a day it's 50 degrees and beautiful and then next day we get a dusting of snow. Crazy!