Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Perfect Square

Yesterday, Steve turned a perfect square! Yes, a surprise party, and it was a surprise, was given to him after church Wednesday evening. We appreciate those who stayed after services and greeted the birthday boy with well wishes.

Anyone who knows Steve, knows he tends to be the center of attention, whether he tries to or not. When he is prepared for attention he can ham it up, but when it is unexpected attention, well...that is a whole other story. Steve's face was priceless, and may I say, beat red. Loved it, loved it, loved it! Under his breathe, I could hear him say, "did you orchestrate this?". My response, "get over to the Fellowship Hall quickly, people will be waiting on you to cut cake". Ha! I cannot begin to tell you how much pleasure this surprise party brought me.

I also want to thank Vicki, Tess, and Pastor for helping me pull this off. Steve and I have said it many times before, and it is worth repeating again... we have the best church family and we love spending time with them.

Thanks again, EVERYONE for being a part of his 49th birthday!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Isaiah 41:10

This year, at church, the Pastor thought it would be a great idea for the congregation to memorize scripture every month. In January, we were given Isaiah 41:10.

"Fear thou not for I am with thee, be not dismayed for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee, yea I will help thee, yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

I REALLY loved meditating on this verse! There is so much in it!!! Even better, I found myself relying on this verse and quoting it often as I went through a very hectic and challenging month. I am so glad God keeps the promises he makes!

January...Coming to an End

Wow! Where in the world did January go? If there is one busy month for me it is usually JANUARY! The days run into each other as I attempt to get all the annual reports and year-end financials done at work.

In the midst of all the workload, many and I mean many folks that I know are sick. I thought Steve and I would escape the sickness, but at last, we fell to it. No matter how much I recited out loud, "I AM NOT SICK", it didn't seem to keep it away. :(

On a more positive note...Tess and I,along with many ladies from the church, threw a baby shower for Monica. The shower was such a blessing for me personally, as the ladies sat around listening to Kim give a devotion, watching Monica open up her gifts and enjoying refreshments and a beautiful cake that Tess made. Not very much longer and Monica will be holding her baby in her arms, Praise the Lord for the blessing he has given her and Carlos.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Can you believe 2013 is already here? I think one of the best things about a new year is that you get to reflect on the past year and look forward to the coming year. God truly has been merciful, gracious, long-suffering and loving to me, even though I do not deserve it.

The blessings he bestows upon me daily are innumerable and many times, unfortunately, I can easily take these blessings for granted.

There are many blessings I could mention, but here are a few of my top favorites:

1) God's love
2) My salvation
3) My husband - his love, humor and servant's heart
4) My family - their love
5) My church and her faithfulness
6) My friends - their kindness
7) My pastors - their guidance and direction
8) My Ministries - a vessel that is able to be used of the Lord
9) My house - a place to come home to
10) My husband's job - provision
11) My dog - faithfulness
12) My health - 'nuff said

Although I do not know what is in store for my family and I in 2013, I do know that "he(Jesus)hath done all things well."

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

As I enter into 2013, I pray that I remain faithful to the Lord, and his work, as I wait for his return. Lord, come quickly.

May 2013 be filled with blessings, lessons and love from above!