Sunday, August 16, 2009


On Steve's birthday he received a present from the Sargent family. In the bag was an outfit for Levi (among other things). It is tradition in the Sargent household for Lucille, their black Cocker Spaniel, to receive a gift on their birthday. So, a new tradition has been adopted in the Vaughn household and one I think Levi will appreciate. How could he not? He'll get two extra presents a year just for being part of the family.

Levi received this lovely cotton jersey that has a big red cross on the back and says, "Dog-on-Duty".
Isn't he just so cute....
Thanks Auntie Vicki, I just love my new outfit! ~Levi Vaughn

Friday, August 14, 2009

GOTCHA! Happy Birthday Steve!

The morning started out just fine. Steve left for a tutoring appointment and I got busy putting together his gift, cards and cake.

Yesterday, while I was out, I looked for a small round cake at Safeway. I could not find one, so I opted for a one-serving size round cheesecake. It wasn't your average cheesecake, it was better (yummy, I got a bite or two)! The candles were as big as the cake and the longer it took Steve to get home the more the "4" wanted to slide off.

Once Steve got home, I lit the candles, and then sang Happy Birthday to him. After Steve sampled his birthday cake, he opened up his cards and gift. The cards were cute; especially, the trick card sent from my sister.

This year, I wanted to do something special for Steve on his 45th birthday. For years he has told me he wanted to fly. In the past I have just brushed it off, but after our last conversation, I was surprised to find out that during his time in the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) he had actual flown a 1932 Piper under the direct supervision of Hermann Skok. Wow, I thought to myself.....he does know what he is talking about. His passion was real because he had lived it!

So, I did a google search which led me to This website is awesome and it was there that I was able to purchase a 40 minute orientation flight at Boeing Field. I think he is really pumped up.

The day ended with a trip over to the Jumbo Buffet where a few couples (plus dad) were waiting to surprise him. Everything was going well until we got out of the truck. Steve can be most observant when you don't want him to be. He stops, looks at me and says, "I'm not going in. This is a set up". He had noticed to many automobiles in the parking lot.

It didn't take him long to decide he wasn't going to miss dinner, so inside he went. The gang that was present broke into song, singing "Happy Birthday". I think Steve was slightly embarrassed. So he disguised himself appropriately (a Groucho Marx's he is not).

All in all, I think he had a great time. He was definitely unaware of the plot and really appreciated all that was done to celebrate his 45 years of life. (The only other thing he has to see is his picture in the paper and that will happen tomorrow.) Yes, I'd do it all again, just because he is worth it! I love you honey, Happy Birthday!

Slide show is up if you want to see a few more pictures.

Thursday, August 13, 2009 turning 45!

Yes, it is true...Steve is turning 45 years old tomorrow. The day will mostly be quiet as we come to terms with the fact that he is 45 years young. A small birthday gift will be given, cards from family will be opened and then we plan on ending the day eating at the Jumbo Buffet.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pure Craziness I tell you...Pure Craziness

I don't know if many of you recall the Surprise 30th Birthday Party we had for Carolyn back in May...but for her birthday all the ladies got together and purchased her a tandum jump at Harvey Field in Snohomish County.

Well this past Saturday, August 1st, Carolyn and Nicki,another crazy young lady who has always wanted to skydive, made their jump.

I took many more pictures, but wanted to leave it up to Carolyn to post a slideshow of the days event. Head on over to Carolyn's blog to see a live video (which is absolutely fun to watch) and her write-up about the whole experience. (Carolyn has family in town, so it may be a few days before she makes a post...keep checking back will be worth the wait.)