There have not been to many times I have been asked to give a devotion, so you can imagine my surprise when I was asked to bring a devotion at Amber's Bridal Shower. Immediately, I said, "oh my, uh, well let me pray about it". Well I prayed about this opportunity for a week and was led of the Lord to say "yes". I think I would of pretty much said yes to begin with, but the feelings and different thoughts that went through my mind and body, at that very moment, were fluently speaking "no".
I know that all I needed to do was be a willing vessel and then let the Lord do the rest; but just thinking about standing in front of the ladies (of whom I knew) caused me to have a shortness of breathe, a dry mouth, and swelling of the throat.
So on Saturday, May 16th by and through God's grace I stood before Amber, and the ladies attending, and gave a devotion that was God directed. The devotion was entitled "To Leave and To Cleave". I had three points: The Vows, The Unity Candle and The New Name". My text was Genesis 2:24, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."
I think the most amazing part of the whole devotion was the overall calmness I had after I prayed and began to speak. Sure, I was still nervous, but Sherri had to die to self to let the Lord use her. And, I believe that is exactly what he did. The devotion went well, it wasn't to long and it stirred the ladies hearts. Amen!
I had asked just a few ladies to pray for me and I must say, I felt their prayers! I know it was the prayer that was lifted up on my behalf that went before me that afternoon. Thank you!
It was a wonderful devotion! Thank you for sharing what the Lord laid on your heart. See ya when you get back.
Wish I could have been there, but I heard from everyone that you did a great job. PTL He can over come gittery nerves and all our weaknesses. Miss ya much see ya when I get home. Have fun and be careful on your trip.
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