Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Frozen Mocha Torte

This past Sunday, our church held a Men's Dessert Contest after the evening service. There were nineteen fantastic looking entries.

My husband signed up and after looking through every cookbook we owned, he decided on the Frozen Mocha Torte. There was one main rule to the contest and simply stated: The "man" could not get any assistance from a/the "woman"; therefore, this creation was all up to Steve and his ability to follow the recipe.

Steve was in the kitchen for two hours working his magic and occasionally, to my delight, he would seek me out and let me taste his concoction.

Lets pause here for a moment and picture with me a mama who is proud of her child for accomplishing a special project? Oh how she would beam! Well, I must say that was me, the wife beaming over her husband's triumph. When Steve removed the spring-form pan from around his torte, I couldn't have been prouder. It all stayed in place!

Later that evening, after the competition, we got to partake. Not only did Steve's torte look great, but it also tasted a-m-a-z-i-n-g-l-y yummy! I am sad to say that his dessert did not take 1st, 2nd or 3rd place; but in my book, he gets the trophy!

Great job honey! Looks like you will be making more desserts in your future :)


Kali said...

Mmmm...sounds delicious!

Cove Girl said...

It did look good, even though I didn't have any. Good job Steve.

Maggie said...

Yum! That sounds really good!