Monday, December 10, 2012

LBF 2012

Tonight was our Ladies Bible Fellowship, and as always, December is full of fun! This evening we got to hear from the Word of God, do a fun craft and have our annual cookie/candy exchange.

The Fellowship Hall was decked out in snow and snowflakes, and go figure, the devotion tonight was on snow! Did you know that snow is actually mentioned in God's Word many times over? Definitely worth the time to do a more in depth word study!

After the devotion and sharing praises and prayer request the ladies began to diligenty work on the craft at hand - making a snowman or in my case, a snow-woman. This craft was done many, many years back. I was so glad to get to the opportunity to do the craft again because my first snowman has been without a helpmeet for way to long!

So, I set my mind to making him a mate. As you can see below, the two have successfully been united. Let me just mention, that this snow-woman was way more difficult to work with than the snowman...just saying! :)

Taking a break from my ever growing stressful project, I managed to get over to the kitchen and fill a plate full of many yummy treats. All the cookies and candy looked wonderful, but it was these Christmas mice that caught my attention. Aren't they just the cutest things? I can't wait to try one!

The ladies in charge of the decorating, the crafting and bringing items to snack on did a SUPER-FANTASTIC-MARVELOUS job. Thanks for all the hard work. The evening was a lot of fun!


Jersey Mama said...

Perfect timing! I searching the Google for a craft to do at our upcoming ladies meeting -- getting frustrated, I decided to take a break, and then read your post. A snowman is the perfect thing to make!

Jersey Mama said...

Oh and p.s., yours are super cute :)