Friday, June 5, 2009

Amazing Weather!

The weather here on WI has been extremely beautiful! This is our spring time and usually we get showers, but not these last sixteen days. I will take in all the sunshine and warmth God will give us. The temps have been hovering around the 75 degree mark and last night after a day in the 80's a cool breeze blew through the house. It was very nice indeed. Yep, this is my kind of weather. Usually, I have to fly to Florida a couple of times a years just to get a "fix of warmth" to last me through the dull months. I'll have to admit it is going to be a bit of a downer when the rain comes back, but if we don't get the rain, then we can't be called the evergreen state, now can we. Oh well.

1 comment:

Cove Girl said...

The sun has been wonderful:) but the rain can't return until my windows are installed. Mandy is coming in 2 weeks and the moron contractors took down my front blinds and have yet to install my new window and put my blinds back up. Basically I have no privacy, and I'm currently sentenced to sleeping on the couch unnecessarily. Tonight I'm tacking up sheets! My back window looks nice so far, but they still have to do the trim around the inside and outside. OK, I am a little aggravated. Now that I'm done w/school I may take this gripe to the blogosphere. There already a week behind.