Saturday, June 30, 2012

Freshening Up the Backyard

Yesterday afternoon the outdoor temperature (low 70's) combined with the sunshine motivated me to get down to the store and purchase some flowers to freshen up the backyard with. The color variation and flower choices were overwhelming, but after strolling the garden center for nearly an hour, I finally made some choices and came home.

Before I could plant them I had to do some ground work. I pulled out old plants that had died, trimmed the rhododendrons, as they were WAY OUT OF CONTROL, cut back some wild rose bushes that are growing in the yard, and raked up the pine cones and dead leaves that had fallen from the trees. Once this dastardly deed was completed, I was able to get those new, beautiful, vibrant and refreshing plants into the ground. The end results screams SUMMER!

Almost four hours later I dragged this worn out body into the house and collapsed. Yard work is EXHAUSTING and I think every BONE in my BODY was ACHING. I was SO spent!!!

Thankfully, I got all the yard work done just before the rain moved in. God's timing couldn't have been any better for these newly relocated plants. Once the weather clears up, which may be a few days from now, I will update this post with some pictures.

Updated 7/3/2012: Here are the pics I said I'd post:

Now all I need to do is purchase some mulch and it should complete the look.


Selena said...

Pictures!! Pictures!!

Primetime Babyboomers said...

Took some pics, just need to upload them...maybe tonight. :)