Tuesday, June 19, 2012

You Read It Here!

For most people purchasing a television would not be a big deal, but for the Vaughn household it is!

I have been married to the same guy for almost 30 years and this is the very FIRST time he has EVER shopped for a TV. Every other one-eyed demon (as he affectionately calls them) we have ever owned, was only because my folks purchased them for us.

My second surprise came when we hooked up the television. How many digital channels does one person need? I've never seen so many available channels! It was like a whole new world had opened up to us!

Technology sure has come a long way; sometimes it is just plain hard to believe.

1 comment:

Cove Girl said...

yeah, they even make 3D TVs! That just about blew Pastor Geists mind when I told him that, seeing as they haven't owned a TV is decades.