Thursday, May 17, 2012

Geist Ordination - May 6, 2012

On May 6th, Bible Baptist Church held an ordination service for Brother Tim Geist. We spent a full day in the house of the Lord. In the Sunday School hour Brother Geist was interrogated by Pastor Sargent and Evangelist Wayne Walley on his doctrinal stands. Brother Geist answered all of their questions very well.

The Worship Service was full of songs, specials, charges, messages and an appreciation gifts for Tim and his wife, Katie. Afterwards we all wandered over to the Fellowship Hall for some chow. Brother Perez was on his game and delivered a meal fit for Kings.

Once the meal of gladness was complete an afternoon service began. This service gave Pastor Geist the opportunity to share his vision for the church with the members. After this service was finished we all headed back to the Fellowship Hall for dessert and coffee.

By the time we were finished with clean up we were exhausted. It was a long day (9:30am - 5:30pm), but a day that will be remembered in the history of our church.

Congratulations, Pastor Tim Geist!

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