Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mary had a Little Lamb

Monday night was our monthly Ladies Bible Fellowship (LBF). The evening was full of excitement. We had a great time of fellowship. Wonderful testimonies from the ladies and Vicki brought a message from Isaiah 9:6. During the devotion Vicki read the following poem which I'd like to post below. The poem is about Christ and how he is waiting for you.

Mary had a little Lamb,
His life was white as snow.
Because of mankind's sinful bent,
The Lamb was sent below.

He came to us on earth one day,
He was a gift of grace.
He makes the Christian sing and pray,
The Lamb Who took our place.

And though the world has turned Him out,
Yet still He lingers near,
And waits so patiently about,
By faith He does appear.

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