Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's That Time of Year Again

I know this is not the best picture of a rainbow, but I just had to take it.

When the rain showers begin and the sun peaks its head through the clouds, 99% of the time, a rainbow can be spotted. Tonight I saw a double rainbow and then this one within a few miles of each other.

I can't help but think of the promise God made to mankind that he would never flood the earth again. God is so amazing and so good!


Cove Girl said...

The showers startled me this evening when I was working on Institute HW. The rattle against my skylight was a surpirse to say the least. I was drawn to my window to stare at the BIG cloud over OH. I was thinking about HIS promise to return in the clouds!

Primetime Babyboomers said...
