Thursday, March 29, 2012

All Went Well with the Dogsitting

I can report that Chip and Luke were safely returned (and in one piece) to their owners last week. The house had been full of doggie activity for a little over two weeks and it was sad to see them go; as they really were very active and desired much attention from us human folk. It made for lively evenings.

Steve loved to play tug of war with the dogs and Levi became quiet the cheerleader; of course, on the sideline, as he never wanted to get to close to the action.

Chipper loved to lay in Levi's favorite spots, which at some point I think began to stress Levi out a bit, but Levi was a real trooper through the whole thing. He is quiet an extraordinary dog, who for the most part, was very laid back.

Overall, Levi let Chip sleep in his favorite spots, let his mama hold him, let Luke play with his mama, eat his food, and swipe his toys. BUT, the line was definitely drawn when it came to sharing his treat. ABSOLUTELY, NO SHARING was ALLOWED! They had to get their own treat.

I would have to say that Chip and Luke's extended stay caused Levi to become more social with his kind. Levi has had such limited interaction with other canine that sometimes he has no idea how to really interact with them. I think overall, it was a good learning experience for him and his new canine friends. Good job Levi, you made your mama proud.

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