Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 2012 Overview

Wow! Where did the month of March go? It seems like just a few days ago when I turned the calendar over from February. Well, I am glad to report another month full of blessings.

Blessing #1: I was given a few days off of work and I must say it definitely helped me physically. Over the last several weeks I was experience numbness from my forehead to the middle of my head. I guess there is a lot to say about a little R&R!

Blessing #2: I got sick, but now I am well. Thank you Lord!

Blessing #3: My secret prayer sister was a blessing to me and my family. Thank you for the treats Katie!

Blessing #4: A lady donated her baby grand piano to our church! It is a beautiful piano and one the church body is thankful for. An answer to pray indeed!

Blessing #5: We got to experience the Island County Convention. It was organized very well, even though it was a long, drawn out day. Steve was voted in as a delegate to go to the Washington State Convention on June 1st.

Blessing #6: I got to sing a special with Tess, who graciously agreed to partner with me since Steve came down ill. Thank you Tess!

Blessing #7: Steve and I were invited over to the McDowell's, with the Schenck's, for a BBQ dinner and fellowship. Believe it or not, I tried Elk for the first time and I liked it (way better than any deer meat I have ever had)! Kami also served chocolate pie and Matt Jr's out of this world cheesecake - both were so very yummy. The evening concluded in a couple rounds of "Shoot". I am glad to report that the girls took a round and the boys took a round - so all was good in the end.

Blessing #8: Pastor is doing a series in the book of the Revelation and the messages so far have been enlightening and very exciting. Heaven sounds like a wonderful place and our pea brain can't even begin to fully imagine its beauty and God's glory!

Blessing #9: I have a LOVING husband who puts up with all of my quirks, and an AWESOME God who loves me, despite me.

Blessing #10: I have the greatest dog EVER!

Thank you Lord for all of the blessings you have bestowed upon my family and me this month. More than we deserve.

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