Saturday, January 3, 2009

Update: Pressure Cooker 101

The other night my mom asked me if I had used my new Presto Pressure Cooker. Unfortunately, I had to tell her no, because I had not read all of the instructions as promised. Well tonight was the night... I was determined to cook a meal in my new pressure cooker. Here is how it went:

I got the pressure cooker out and put it on the stove top and stared at it.

Then I proceeded to throw away the instructions and called mom. HELP!! After receiving verbal instructions, I started up my pressure cooker.

Here is a picture of the meat already cooked up.

See the piping hot steam, this meal is done and ready to eat.


I'll have to admit I was a bit scared to use the pressure cooker, but I am so glad I did! This is one of the best kitchen tools ever! I just wish I had one years ago. The cooker really does cut the cook time down and it makes a delicious tasting meal.

Levi, on the other hand, was not so impressed with the cooker. Levi has been part of our household for over six years and I have never seen him shake in his boots like tonight. The boy was SCARED (and I thought I was scared)! He was shaking so much I had to send him downstairs with Steve until I was finished cooking up our meal. Mom says, he will get use to the noise from the pressure cooker. I hope so...because I am already planning our next meal.

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