Tuesday, January 13, 2009

That's Right...Pressure Cookers for Dummies

As most of you know I recently received a new Presto Pressure Cooker from my parents for my birthday. I can report that I have actually made two good meals using this great new kitchen tool. However, last night I was given a gift from my secret prayer sister that was awesome.

Wah Lah....Pressure Cookers for Dummies. Go figure! I had no idea there was an actual book out there for those of us who want to learn how to use a Pressure Cooker. This book has a lot of recipes and other tidbits of information that will come in very handy. I can't wait to cook up another meal. Thanks Carolyn for praying for me this past month, and for all the gifts. You really did spoil me.

1 comment:

Teri said...

I just want to know....What's for dinner? :)