At the end of every year many people begin to think of the things in their lives that they would like to change..thus the New Year's Resolution comes about. I stopped making New Year's Resolutions years ago because I always failed to keep them (if you get an opportunity to do so, take the New Year's Resolution Poll).
However, for 2009 instead of making a New Year's Resolution, I would like to renew my commitment to God in two areas: 1) eating and 2) exercise. Most people usually start out their new year with; "I've got to shed some pounds and start exercising" and I am no exception. But the eating and the exercising I am referring to involves the spiritual realm.
God has blessed me by giving me a wonderful church to attend. We have Pastor's that love the Lord and their flock. They continually bring challenges from God's Word which is always needed. Sometimes it is the common sense messages that tug at the heart. My 2009 commitments were solidified after listening to Pastor Jeremiah and Brother Majors preach this past Sunday. Thank you Pastor and Chris for bringing the message God laid upon your heart.
My 2009 Commitment is three fold: #1 I want to commit myself to reading and studying God's Word DAILY. This is by far the best nourishment I can give myself. #2 I want to commit to exercising more faith in God. God promises me that he will hold my hand, guide, direct and instruct me in and through his Word. #3 I want to commit to eating right and exercising (at least three times a week) so I can be effective both spiritually and physically for the Lord.
These are the three areas I want to commit to the Lord and excel in. If God lays me on your heart, please pray for me. Finally, I would love for you to share with me your commitment(s) (aka New Year's Resolution) for 2009. I want to wish all a Happy New Year's and may your have a profitable 2009 both spiritually and physically.